Undergraduate Courses

Western Carolina University

ENT 195 – Social Entrepreneurship.
Course introduces social entrepreneurship as a mechanism for individuals to develop innovative solutions to society’s most pressing problems.  This course has been recognized as a designated “Service Learning” course.

ENT 201 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship.
Principles of starting and operating a new business.
♦    Introduced student project involving creating and operating an eBay business.

ENT 301 – Innovation Leadership.
Innovation and those who lead.

ENT 350 – New Venture Growth.
Installation of processes for expansion of a successful entrepreneurial venture.
♦    Introduced enhanced promotion and marketing component.

ENT 475 – Entrepreneurial Consulting.
Supervise student engagements with clients; team projects designed to assess and address challenges by not-for-profit and for-profit clients, and including community economic development projects; joint projects with campus entities such as the SBTDC and the Kimmel School (e.g., engineering, technology).

ENT 482 – Entrepreneurship – Independent Study.
Supervise student independent study projects; review and guide proposals through execution of indicated course deliverables.

ENT 483 – Entrepreneurship – Internship.
Supervise internships that are specific to entrepreneurship and/or social entrepreneurship.

MKT 406 – Social Media Marketing and Sales.
Team-taught course; course focuses on aligning organizational and communication strategies with current and emerging communication technologies, with emphasis on effective use of “social media” tools to meet sales and marketing objectives.

MPTP 365; MPTP 488/489 – (Film) Producing; Senior Project I & II.
Team-taught courses; introduced topics on the “business side” of filmmaking including HR, contracts, organizational form, funding, marketing and risk management.